How to Deescalate Conflict in a Divorce

It is often said that a divorce is 95% emotional and only 5% legal.  A divorce is a life crisis, with intense emotional reactions, such as anger, fear, guilt, and despair. In the midst of this emotional soup, you must make huge decisions regarding your finances and...

Working with Conflict in Divorce

As Shawn Weber, San Diego Collaborative attorney and mediator says, “Some people believe that a prerequisite for consensual dispute resolution options like Mediation or Collaborative Practice in divorce situations is that the parties have to get along or trust...

Keeping Kids Out of the Conflict During Divorce

Everyone knows that kids should be protected from their parents’ conflicts.  It’s tough to do this when emotions run high, and you are hurting and angry.  When you are in so much pain, you may turn to your children for comfort or support, or you may want to tell them...

Mindful Co-Parenting – Importance of Mindfulness Tools

So, what does mindful co-parenting look like? Mindful co-parenting may be supported by some form of mindfulness meditation or it can simply mean paying attention. Attention equals intention. When we’re paying attention to our body, thoughts, and feelings we’re more likely to be attuned to our intention to be a good co-parent.

Children of LGBTQI+ Couples – Co-parenting and the Impact of Divorce

Create an inclusive environment where your children feel accepted and celebrated for who they are, including their LGBTQI family structure. Affirm their identities and provide resources and support networks where they can connect with other children of LGBTQI parents and other families who have divorced.