Oct 1, 2024
Michele Singletary, a columnist for the Washington Post, wrote the following column on September 11, 2024. Michelle Singletary is one of my favorite financial gurus as she delves into many of the financial problems that vex us and is very direct about how to help us help ourselves.
Jul 2, 2024
So, what does mindful co-parenting look like? Mindful co-parenting may be supported by some form of mindfulness meditation or it can simply mean paying attention. Attention equals intention. When we’re paying attention to our body, thoughts, and feelings we’re more likely to be attuned to our intention to be a good co-parent.
Jun 1, 2024
Create an inclusive environment where your children feel accepted and celebrated for who they are, including their LGBTQI family structure. Affirm their identities and provide resources and support networks where they can connect with other children of LGBTQI parents and other families who have divorced.
May 10, 2024
Here come the summer months, when it is time to make or revise scheduling plans and decisions with your co-parent. This usually involves a shift in the parenting schedule, a vacation week or two, and coordinating summer activities and camps. It takes collaboration, communication, and sharing of responsibility to support your child during this time. Depending on the type of co-parenting relationship you have developed, you will handle this transition in different ways.
Jan 1, 2024
What story do you want your kids to share about your divorce when they are grown? The decisions and actions you take now, shape their future narratives. Nesting offers your children the chance to create a story of a healthy and amicable separation or divorce.
Dec 1, 2023
What I say to the first noted potential clients is that I, as a neutral financial professional, promise them they will know everything financially related to their divorce prior to any decision making. It is my job to lay out all the assets and debts and income and expenses in simple and understandable form to both clients and any mediator or attorneys. It is also my job to educate my clients about taxes, tax filing status, health and life insurance, Social Security, pension values, and the consequences of dividing assets that have tax related issues.