About Collaborative Divorce Collaborative Divorce allows clients to work together to respectfully resolve disputes outside of court, seeking options that will serve the interests of both clients, their children, and other affected persons. If there is to be a...
Can I Save Money if I Prepare My Own Financial Disclosures in a mediated or Collaborative Divorce? I had a potential client call me yesterday to ask about my services. She wanted to know why she and her spouse couldn’t or shouldn’t just prepare their own legal...
Everyone wants to spend as little as possible on a divorce – even more so if the divorce is not something you want. I had a potential client call me to ask about my services. She wanted to know why she and her spouse couldn’t or shouldn’t prepare their own legally...
When couples marry in California, there are laws that automatically apply to their assets and income. For instance, income received as a result of either spouse’s labor, skill and efforts is community property and belongs to the marital partnership. Assets owned prior...
Thank you to Brad Reid and the Huffington Post for this blog article. Collaborate law is a variation of non-adversarial alternative dispute resolution. Specific collaborative law techniques have been discussed for about thirty years and fifteen or so states have...