Dealing with Disappointment and Divorce – Facing the New Normal

When divorce is discussed or in process, every member of the family experiences many difficult feelings: sadness, anger, confusion as well as disappointment. As a coach and child specialist, I have witnessed the challenges faced by separating parents. Parents and...

Do I Need a Premarital Agreement?

 A very frequent question I am asked in my practice is do I need premarital (or sometimes referred to as a Prenuptial) Agreement.  A premarital agreement can be important to someone for a variety of different reasons.  The first important aspect of deciding whether...

How Can I Survive this Divorce? I Feel Like I’m Falling Apart!

You may be so flooded with feelings that it may seem impossible to sit at a table, across from your spouse, to talk about the big decisions that must be made when one person decides that the marriage is over.  You wonder, “How can I get through this?”  Even though it...

A Brief Overview of Collaborative Law

Thank you to Brad Reid and the Huffington Post for this blog article. Collaborate law is a variation of non-adversarial alternative dispute resolution. Specific collaborative law techniques have been discussed for about thirty years and fifteen or so states have...