Has Collaborative Divorce Resolution Reached the Tipping Point?

You are faced with an enormous initial decision when you face divorce.  Unless you choose otherwise, litigation is the default.  However, more and more couples are choosing to divorce without going to court, by mediating or collaborating.  Collaborative Law is rapidly...

Do I Really Have to Get a Divorce?

When thinking or talking about getting a divorce, it is very easy to fall into the cycle of who’s right, who’s wrong, what’s fair, what’s not fair and who’s to blame.  Yet, such judgments and score keeping are more of a distraction than a help.  What you most need is...

Working with Conflict in Divorce

As Shawn Weber, San Diego Collaborative attorney and mediator says, “Some people believe that a prerequisite for consensual dispute resolution options like Mediation or Collaborative Practice in divorce situations is that the parties have to get along or trust...

How Can I Control the Costs of My Divorce?

Once the difficult decision has been made to get divorced, the next biggest concern is usually how much it will cost.  As you may already be reeling from the emotional costs of the loss of your marriage, the added stress and anxiety associated with the potential or...

The Law–Is it the Elephant in the Room?

One of the first things people want to know when they are seriously thinking about a divorce is – what does the law say?  I often hear “I want to be fair, but I don’t know what fair is.”  People tend to think the law will determine what is fair.  However, when they...