Defusing Tension Around Money Talk

Money is a sensitive topic for many couples, and often is a cause of conflict in marriage. The subject of money remains taboo in social conversation, and people have different values or relationships to money. Even happy couples may find negotiating on this subject...

The Law–Is it the Elephant in the Room?

One of the first things people want to know when they are seriously thinking about a divorce is – what does the law say?  I often hear “I want to be fair, but I don’t know what fair is.”  People tend to think the law will determine what is fair.  However, when they...

Facing a Divorce in the New Year?

Family Law specialists and therapists will often see a surge in separation and divorce consultations in January. There are probably two common reasons for this: First, many couples decide to “tough it out” through the holidays, even if the decision to separate has...