Helping Kids Cope with Divorce

Research has found that, when parents separate, the more cooperative and respectful the parents can be with one another, the better it will be for the children. The collaborative divorce model helps support a healthy outcome for the whole family – parents and children...

Divorce and Children with Special Needs

Divorce or separation between parents with children that have exceptional needs, special needs or learning differences often have heightened layers of complexity and strain. What can you do in this situation? Often it is the case that one parent has had a more active...

Working with Conflict in Divorce

As Shawn Weber, San Diego Collaborative attorney and mediator says, “Some people believe that a prerequisite for consensual dispute resolution options like Mediation or Collaborative Practice in divorce situations is that the parties have to get along or trust...

Nesting: What is it? Is it right for us?

Perhaps you have heard of parents “Nesting” (sometimes called “Birds-nesting”) while separated or divorcing.  Nesting refers to a transitional arrangement where parents continue to share the family home and take turns being “on duty” with their children.  The children...