I Don’t Know How Much We Spend per Month!

When one is first contemplating leaving a marriage or when one is first told their marriage is ending, panic can set in.  Oh my gosh, will I be able to stay in my home?  Where will I go?  What kind of place can I afford?  Will I have to get a roommate?  All of these...

The Law–Is it the Elephant in the Room?

One of the first things people want to know when they are seriously thinking about a divorce is – what does the law say?  I often hear “I want to be fair, but I don’t know what fair is.”  People tend to think the law will determine what is fair.  However, when they...

Dark Feelings During Your Divorce

Grief and Sorrow Being sad when a marriage ends is natural. Although it’s painful, grief is a healthy emotional response to loss of an important relationship. We are hard-wired to feel it and it wouldn’t be reasonable to expect otherwise. While sorrow and grief can be...