How to Increase the Cost of Your Divorce

Many people recognize that if they “lawyer up” by hiring the most litigious attorneys that they are asking to have a very expensive adversarial divorce.  Saving money is one of the reasons (but hopefully not the only reason) people often choose to do a collaborative...

What are the Steps and Timing Involved in Obtaining a Divorce?

What are the steps and timing involved in obtaining a divorce in California?  This is one of the first questions you will probably ask when you meet your lawyer, coach, or financial professional. To get a divorce in California, three steps are required: The filing of...

Do I Really Have to Get a Divorce?

When thinking or talking about getting a divorce, it is very easy to fall into the cycle of who’s right, who’s wrong, what’s fair, what’s not fair and who’s to blame.  Yet, such judgments and score keeping are more of a distraction than a help.  What you most need is...

What Happens to My Inheritance in a Divorce?

The simple answer is the inheritance belongs to the person who inherits it.  It is their separate property.  However, as with most things, this question is not as simple as it may seem.  Often inheritance comes in one form, say money, and is later used to purchase...

Keeping Your Children’s Lives Going in Divorce: Ten Things You Can Do

OMG!  It is the end of April and you haven’t planned things for your children for the summer!  You may be recently separated and have been busy and overwhelmed by setting up two homes, juggling your kid’s school work and equipment, communicating with your co-parent,...