You are faced with an enormous initial decision when you face divorce. Unless you choose otherwise, litigation is the default. However, more and more couples are choosing to divorce without going to court, by mediating or collaborating. Collaborative Law is rapidly...
People often become paralyzed when it comes to dividing their personal property (household furniture, furnishings, sentimental items such as wedding gifts, photos, children’s artwork, etc.). It is certainly one of the harder issues to contend with for families...
Talking to your children about your impending divorce can feel like a daunting task and can evoke an array of intense emotions. Before talking to your children it is most helpful to be on the same page about how, when and where you will speak to them. A divorce coach...
When couples begin a divorce process, they have many questions. During this time of transition everyone needs support to navigate the process as it unfolds. You need support while you are making temporary plans for your children and yourself. If you have a...
Divorce or separation between parents with children that have exceptional needs, special needs or learning differences often have heightened layers of complexity and strain. What can you do in this situation? Often it is the case that one parent has had a more active...