If you are one of those couples in love and planning to share your lives, Shelter in Place has given you a unique opportunity to learn about your mate and to contemplate your life together. 2020 has ushered a period of particularly heightened uncertainty and with...
from Song by Todd Rundgren, 1978 If you’ve had enough birthdays, you may remember this 70’s song by Todd Rundgren. He poses a question that comes up at the end of relationships. Maybe, if we can still be friends, it will soften the blow, lessen the pain. A more...
Your inheritance, well, yes and… In California legally an inheritance is the separate property of the person who receives it. However, whether you get to keep it depends on what you did with it. If you kept your inheritance money in your name and in an account...
Everyone worries about how their future will look after their divorce. Your worst fear might be that you will be living in a cardboard box, and this article will tell you how and why that won’t happen. One way to be sure that all financial information is...