Jan 1, 2024
What story do you want your kids to share about your divorce when they are grown? The decisions and actions you take now, shape their future narratives. Nesting offers your children the chance to create a story of a healthy and amicable separation or divorce.
Jun 1, 2022
I am often asked questions like “Do I have to go back to work after our divorce when we agreed I would I care for our children?”
May 1, 2022
When you stay open to the possibility that you do not necessarily know what your partner will say or do and you monitor your assumptions about them, you may be able to maintain a channel of communication that is less fraught with argument and disappointment. You may still not like what he or she is wanting, but you will at least not like it from the standpoint of knowing that it is what they are actually want.
Oct 1, 2021
You might choose a Collaborative Divorce because you want to stay out of court, keep conflict to a minimum, and have control over the process. In a Collaborative Divorce, no one enters a courtroom.