Jul 2, 2024
So, what does mindful co-parenting look like? Mindful co-parenting may be supported by some form of mindfulness meditation or it can simply mean paying attention. Attention equals intention. When we’re paying attention to our body, thoughts, and feelings we’re more likely to be attuned to our intention to be a good co-parent.
May 10, 2024
Here come the summer months, when it is time to make or revise scheduling plans and decisions with your co-parent. This usually involves a shift in the parenting schedule, a vacation week or two, and coordinating summer activities and camps. It takes collaboration, communication, and sharing of responsibility to support your child during this time. Depending on the type of co-parenting relationship you have developed, you will handle this transition in different ways.
Sep 1, 2023
A vaccine and effective treatment options were eventually discovered for COVID-19. There is also a “vaccine” and effective treatment remedies available for the “virus” related to divorce conflict and its heavy burden on the children in the family: Collaborative Divorce.
Aug 1, 2023
Imagine a child learning that their parents are divorcing in a way that is filled with empathy and hope for the future. No matter how hard the change in lifestyle will be for your children, you as their parents hold the key to their adjustment during and after divorce.
Jul 1, 2023
You have full support. Unlike in mediation, you have a lot of support and guidance throughout your Collaborative Divorce. A mediator is neutral, so he/she cannot advise you or advocate for either of you. The mediator should educate you about the law and can facilitate the conversation between you and your partner, but cannot stop you from making an uninformed or unwise decision. If you like the idea of mediation but feel that you would benefit from having your own lawyer’s guidance and support, Collaborative Divorce is the process to consider.
May 1, 2023
Divorce is a difficult and emotional process for both the spouses and the children involved. When parents decide to separate, it is important for them to recognize the impact it can have on their children, and to make an effort to support their relationship with the other parent.