About Collaborative Divorce Collaborative Divorce allows clients to work together to respectfully resolve disputes outside of court, seeking options that will serve the interests of both clients, their children, and other affected persons. If there is to be a...
Can I Save Money if I Prepare My Own Financial Disclosures in a mediated or Collaborative Divorce? I had a potential client call me yesterday to ask about my services. She wanted to know why she and her spouse couldn’t or shouldn’t just prepare their own legal...
Post-marital agreements, much like premarital agreements, can be opportunities for married couples to collaboratively create agreements around things like: How to deal with day to day financesHow to allocate their income between separate and community propertyHow to...
Once divorcing couples begin living in separate households, they need to determine how their respective expenses will be paid. If either does not have sufficient income or other resources to cover their expenses, that spouse may have the ability to ask to receive...
By keeping agreements in divorcing families it is possible to repair trust between parents. Most parents considering divorce have lost the ability to communicate effectively, goodwill isgone and trust obliterated. Creating a financial settlement and parenting plan is...