Do I Need a Premarital Agreement?

 A very frequent question I am asked in my practice is do I need premarital (or sometimes referred to as a Prenuptial) Agreement.  A premarital agreement can be important to someone for a variety of different reasons.  The first important aspect of deciding whether...

What are the Steps and Timing Involved in Obtaining a Divorce?

What are the steps and timing involved in obtaining a divorce in California?  This is one of the first questions you will probably ask when you meet your lawyer, coach, or financial professional. To get a divorce in California, three steps are required: The filing of...

Can a Divorce Team Save You Money?

More and more people are turning to Collaborative Practice professionals for divorce and other family law matters.  But when you hear about a “team” that sounds expensive!  Here is an explanation, written by a family law attorney, of why working with a...

How Long Will My Divorce Take? (I want to get it done fast!)

How much time will your divorce take? By the time you reach the decision to divorce, or accept your spouse’s decision, you probably want to get it done and over with! Why prolong this difficult and overwhelming process? Well, it’s a little complicated. There are a few...

Working with Conflict in Divorce

As Shawn Weber, San Diego Collaborative attorney and mediator says, “Some people believe that a prerequisite for consensual dispute resolution options like Mediation or Collaborative Practice in divorce situations is that the parties have to get along or trust...