My Spouse Won’t Agree to Divorce. What Can I Do?

This blog is a re-post of one of Ann Gold Buscho, Ph.D.’s recent blogs that she uploaded to her website at  Dr. Buscho is a nationally recognized author and a blogger at Psychology Today.  Please read on for Dr. Buscho’s important tips to deal...

Why Consider a Collaborative Divorce?

You might choose a Collaborative Divorce because you want to stay out of court, keep conflict to a minimum, and have control over the process. In a Collaborative Divorce, no one enters a courtroom.

Emotional Attachment to a House in a Divorce

During your divorce talk about your emotional attachment to your home as one factor in making decisions about whether to keep or sell the home. It’s not simply about the money!

Gray Divorce – “Why Did You Leave Grandpa?”

The Melinda and Bill Gates’ divorce is currently making headlines, with some speculation as to “why,” but mostly because of the complexity of the division of their enormous wealth within their foundations. Our attention as divorce professionals however is...