Can We Still Be Friends (after Divorce)?

from Song by Todd Rundgren, 1978 If you’ve had enough birthdays, you may remember this 70’s song by Todd Rundgren. He poses a question that comes up at the end of relationships. Maybe, if we can still be friends, it will soften the blow, lessen the pain. A more...

How to Stop Fighting in Front of Your Kids

(Beyond Buttoning Your Lips!) Hold a “Commitment Ceremony” Before you can implement any of the following ideas, you need to have a commitment from your ex (or soon to be ex) that you will both do everything possible to stop fighting in front of the kids. Write it down...

5 Reasons to Stay Out of Court

As a retired Superior Court Family Law Commissioner, I firmly believe that if you can find a way to stay out of court, do so for the following reasons: Time Constraints – The Family Court system is underfunded and understaffed.  Even a relatively simple case can...

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