My Spouse Wants a Divorce – Where Do I Start?

Prospective clients often call me to say they have just been told that their spouse wants a divorce, they are frightened and have no idea where to start.  I usually suggest they attend a free online Divorce Options Workshop. 

How to Keep Your Marriage Alive and Avoid a Divorce

When something is on your mind, find a time to discuss it calmly, with the goal of a constructive, problem-solving conversation. Long-term relationships’ disagreements look different because they are often sprinkled with humor and affection. This is one of the keys to a long-term happy relationship.

Am I Receiving the Right Amount of Child Support?

Remember that the right amount of child support, is not always what a computer program comes up with.  The better description might be the amount that will meet the reasonable needs of your children without causing significant detriment to the person paying or receiving it.   

Divorce Options® Workshop

Divorce Options® Workshop  (Presented by Marin, San Francisco, and Sonoma County Professionals) Register Now via EventBrite As mental health professionals, you may have clients who are considering or facing divorce.  This Divorce Options seminar will help them start...

Will I Have to Pay Spousal Support?

We discussed using a Collaborative Divorce process where Julie is separately represented by a Collaboratively-trained attorney with prior experience on various spousal support outcomes. We could involve mutually agreed upon mental health coaches and/or neutral financial professionals to look at emotional concerns and property division settlement options. This would save them both the cost of hiring different experts to testify in court at $500 or more an hour, while also paying their litigation attorneys’ fees to cross-examine each expert, and waiting 90 days for the judge to make a ruling. And the ruling could be quite unfavorable.