How Do We Divide Up Our Stuff in Our Divorce?

People often become paralyzed when it comes to dividing their personal property (household furniture, furnishings, sentimental items such as wedding gifts, photos, children’s artwork, etc.).  It is certainly one of the harder issues to contend with for families...

How Long Will My Divorce Take? (I want to get it done fast!)

How much time will your divorce take? By the time you reach the decision to divorce, or accept your spouse’s decision, you probably want to get it done and over with! Why prolong this difficult and overwhelming process? Well, it’s a little complicated. There are a few...

Keeping Your Children’s Lives Going in Divorce: Ten Things You Can Do

OMG!  It is the end of April and you haven’t planned things for your children for the summer!  You may be recently separated and have been busy and overwhelmed by setting up two homes, juggling your kid’s school work and equipment, communicating with your co-parent,...

Defusing Tension Around Money Talk

Money is a sensitive topic for many couples, and often is a cause of conflict in marriage. The subject of money remains taboo in social conversation, and people have different values or relationships to money. Even happy couples may find negotiating on this subject...

Is Your Protective Instinct Backfiring?

By Sharon Strand Ellison and Ami Atkinson Combs The love we feel for our children often prompts strong protective instincts, which can be intensified during the trauma of divorce. We just want them to feel good, safe, and secure. When our children are sad, scared or...