Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions Are Collaborative Divorce and the Divorce Options program appropriate for same-sex couples, either married or in registered domestic partnerships in California? Collaborative Practice is a natural fit for LGBTQ+ families, who face all of the...

Why Choose the Collaborative Divorce Process

Why Choose the Collaborative Divorce Process As you begin to decide how you wish your divorce process to be, the Collaborative Divorce process could be right for you if: You want a civilized, respectful resolution of the issues. You want to keep open the possibility...

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in Divorce

Often lurking under the surface of what appear to be strictly legal or financial questions are issues that can be considerably more important than money to the people involved: questions of identity, of saving face, of fighting for one’s honor or one’s dignity, of...

About Collaborative Divorce

About Collaborative Divorce Collaborative Divorce allows clients to work together to respectfully resolve disputes outside of court, seeking options that will serve the interests of both clients, their children, and other affected persons. If there is to be a...