We Want a Prenup But We are Already Married….Now What?

Post-marital agreements, much like premarital agreements, can be opportunities for married couples to collaboratively create agreements around things like: How to deal with day to day financesHow to allocate their income between separate and community propertyHow to...

I’m getting divorced – do my kids get to decide who they live with?

The simple answer is generally no with a “but”. People facing a divorce are often paralyzed with grief and fear. One of the most difficult issues to navigate is how are you going to be able to successfully co-parent your children. From the court’s vantage point,...

Helping Your Children with Change – Back to School

Your children are about to go or have just gone back to school which creates many chances to help them get used to switching gears, remembering or learning new routines, and dealing with some inevitable reaction to things changing from summer schedule to fall.  Back...