In Divorce: My Inheritance is Mine, Right?

Your inheritance, well, yes and… In California legally an inheritance is the separate property of the person who receives it.   However, whether you get to keep it depends on what you did with it. If you kept your inheritance money in your name and in an account...

5 Reasons to Stay Out of Court

As a retired Superior Court Family Law Commissioner, I firmly believe that if you can find a way to stay out of court, do so for the following reasons: Time Constraints – The Family Court system is underfunded and understaffed.  Even a relatively simple case can...

How to Divorce in the Coronavirus Environment – Video Conferencing!

What with all the anxiety and tension related to the Coronavirus and its upheaval in our lives, the Collaborative Process can be the respite couples want when deciding to divorce in this climate.  Many courts have shut down and are not able to help in this time of...

I Am Afraid I Will End Up in a Cardboard Box

Everyone worries about how their future will look after their divorce.  Your worst fear might be that you will be living in a cardboard box, and this article will tell you how and why that won’t happen. One way to be sure that all financial information is...

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Collaborative Practice North Bay is a group of independent Bay Area professionals committed to resolving conflicts without court battles or power struggles.