How to Increase the Cost of Your Divorce

Many people recognize that if they “lawyer up” by hiring the most litigious attorneys that they are asking to have a very expensive adversarial divorce.  Saving money is one of the reasons (but hopefully not the only reason) people often choose to do a collaborative...

Divorce and Children with Special Needs

Divorce or separation between parents with children that have exceptional needs, special needs or learning differences often have heightened layers of complexity and strain. What can you do in this situation? Often it is the case that one parent has had a more active...

My Wife Had an Affair—Do I Have to Pay Her Alimony When We Divorce?

Your feelings around your spouse’s infidelity are natural, understandable and important.  Feelings of hurt, anger, betrayal, shock, rage, and grief are to be expected when one’s partner has been unfaithful.  Your feelings around the affair, whatever they may be, are...

Working with Conflict in Divorce

As Shawn Weber, San Diego Collaborative attorney and mediator says, “Some people believe that a prerequisite for consensual dispute resolution options like Mediation or Collaborative Practice in divorce situations is that the parties have to get along or trust...

The Law–Is it the Elephant in the Room?

One of the first things people want to know when they are seriously thinking about a divorce is – what does the law say?  I often hear “I want to be fair, but I don’t know what fair is.”  People tend to think the law will determine what is fair.  However, when they...